
Massage Aftercare

To make the most from your massage, I recommend the following aftercare:

Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours as massage is a detoxifying treatment.
Drink plenty of water to assist in the elimination of toxins from the body.
Eat a light and healthy diet to assist the detoxification and healing process.
Get plenty of rest, you may feel tired after treatment.
Gentle exercise - postural exercise can help with muscle tension as well as exercises that will assist mobility.
Yoga is a suitable exercise option.

If you have a stressful life it may be helpful to obtain information about methodsof stress management as well as lifestyle changes.

If you experience a reaction to the treatment, this is known as a contra-action, and is the body's response to the treatment and can occur during or followingh a treatment. This is perfectly normal and is part of the healing and detoxification process following a treatment and cwill normally subside within 24-48 hours. If however you experience any severe pain or discomfort, you may want to seek advice from your GP.

Some reactions that occur are:
Dizziness or nausea
Disrupted sleeping pattern
Muscles may feel tired and achy
Increased urination or passing of stools
Increades thirst

Facial Aftercare

To make the most from your facial, I recommend the following aftercare:

Avoid wearing make up for 6 hours after your treatment.
Follow your recommended skincare routine to get the best results from your facial.
At the very least Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise daily, ensuring you remove all traces of make up at the end of the day.

Drink plenty of water (recommended 6-8 glasses daily)
Eat a healthy, balanced diet - nothing too fatty or sugary, and avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours

Do not undertake any other facial treatments, or exfoliate, within 72 hours.
Avoid sunbathing, sunbeds, swimming, saunas, hot baths or showers for at least 24-48 hours after your facial

Failure to follow this advice could lead to an adverse reaction. If irritation or swelling occurs, apply a cold, damp bamboo cloth or cotton wool pad, and contact me for further advice.

For the Advanced Biological Facials, avoid any Retinol or exfoliating products for at least 3 days.

Contact me directly if you'd like any advice, and if symptoms persist consult a GP